Working away from home


Hi everyone! I've been looking up articles on here for a while now, so I figured I would join in.

A little background: I'm in my early 20's, mommy of two boys, married to another RN, and absolutely obsessed with OB/Neo nursing. AND, I drive over an hour to work.

I landed a newly licensed RN job on a Mother/Baby unit an hour away from home. I had originally applied for L/D, but the director said I was better at teaching and seemed to "care" about the neo side more.

I find myself becoming bored very easily. It makes me a little nervous because I haven't even been there a year. I LOVE my little RDS/hypoglycemic babies that have to have interventional care, but since our hospital has a NICU, we never get to really stabilize. I would LOVE to go to NICU, but there aren't openings right now. I just feel like I'm digging myself into a hole because we don't use many clinical skills. I really don't know if I like low acuity patients, because at our facility, we have staffing nowhere near AWHONN standards, so it's all busy work for 12 hours.

Is it bad that I'm already starting to feel bored or is this normal for a mother/baby nurse?

Specializes in Labor and Delivery, Public Health.

I am new to nursing and I just landed a job in PP as well. I had the same fear of not using my clinical skills but I found out you still use them on PP units. Even though it may seem like you have low acuity patients, all babies are not stable on the units. I had a mom o. Friday who was experiencing a postpartum hemorrhage and I had to convince he to receive a blood transfusion. You should see if you can float to NICU. My unit allows me to float to L&D and NICU every six weeks.

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