how to work abroad step by step..



hi! am a fresh grad and just recently passed my local board exams. in short., am a RN already.

am just wondrin if anyone can help me on how to start my career. or can i work abroad after 2 or 3 years??

should i...

1. take all the required exams 1st?? (CGFNS., IELTS.., NCLEX) then after passing those that will be the time i'll work in a hosp

2. practice nursing 1st then take the exams later..

and yeah..

how can i work abroad... e.g. US (no specific area) without taking the cgfns???

can i take the nclex right away? how?

i hope anyone have that good heart to help me out. please give me a step by step procedure on how to take the exams and work abroad.

and another one.. i'm torned between applying for an agency for them to work on my papers for my exams or

take all the exams 1st (without an agency) then apply to an agency for a faster deployment abroad???

and what is advisable anyway... to have an agency or not??? please help me out here guys. i feel stupid not knowing how to do these things. hehehe.. pls help me on how to take that right career path.. :)

thank you!!! i hope fresh local board passers can be helped with this thraed too


hi, i just have some answers to your questions coming from my reviewers from pentagon. they recommended us that you should not tie yourself up to agencies because they will hold on to your salary when you start working abroad and that won't be a good thing.

with regards to working and taking exams, i am currently working right now but not as a nurse :gandalf: in any institution because if i will, i won't have the time to process my papers because i don't want to be tied up to any agency. i'm planning on having a direct employer once i passed the nclex exam next year.

i hope i helped you in some way...:saint:

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