Will the admission average for the Langara Fall 2022 Nursing intake go down?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Will the admission average for the Fall 2022 intake go down?

Since, my year of prereq nursing are fresh out of covid highschool, I found that a lot of students don't know how to study properly and I find that we study as if we were still in high school. And because we were online for about a year, the quality of learning went down and so did our work ethics.

A not worthy example is the dropout rate in biol 1190. There was a full class of 35 students at the beginning of the sem but at the final exam, there were only 9 students. Not sure if it this is normal but a 75% dropout or failing grade does not seem too promising.

Even as the course progressed throughout the semester I see people drop out after each lab exam and I even overheard some of the lab profs say that the averages for these exams are abnormally low. 

I spoke to some lab profs and they theorize that the nursing averages will go down but again just a theory.


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