Published Jul 18, 2016
1 Post
I've worked in my hospital for about 3 years total, 1 as a Nurse Intern and 2 as a R.N. I started on a Cardiovascular Care floor as a CNA and transitioned into a RN on that floor. Just recently I transferred to CVICU in our hospital (basically my old floor was a "step down" unit to this one).
Since I've switched, I've noticed a lot more cliquiness between people on the ICU floor. I usually get along with everyone and have never had a problem with any one, but it seems this floor is very much into the idea of "you're either in or you're out."
For example, a new grad and I came off of orientation for the floor at the same time, she's on night shift and I'm on day shift. We both have had some rough shifts recently and I've been very open about asking for help from my co-workers when I need it. No problem there. What does upset me is that my manager has given this other girl a token of appreciation, in this case, something for her badge that she picked up for a few nurses, not all. Second example was getting this other nurse flowers for her rough couple shifts.
It seems pathetic that I'm feeling upset over this, but stuff like that makes me feel like I'm such an unvalued nurse. While I have 2 years experience as a nurse, I feel so behind because of this move to ICU. This coupled on top of feeling under appreciated is causing even more of a depression in me. I don't know if this was the right thing for me.
Any advice?