Where Can I take Anatomy & Micro in Sacramento besides Community College?


Is anyone knows where I can take Anatomy and Microbiology cources besides the community Colleges so later I could transfer them for the Community College program?

I believe those courses are offered at Samuel Merritt University, but it will be very costly ($1,439 per unit for a part-time student). Just out of curiosity, why don't you want to take anatomy and micro at a community college? There are some excellent classes, and tuition is only $20 per unit.

Thank you so much for the reply. wow that is so expensive. Because it takes 4 month to complete this course per regular semester and the teachers are soo hard at the community college, Im so scared to failed or to get bad grade. I need to take Micro and Anatomy this fall in order to be able to apply to a nursing program in a fall this year otherwise im late but i might just take my time cause it might be too much for me taking two cources English is my 2nd language so its going to be very hard for me.

I'd encourage you to go ahead and take the classes at one of the community colleges in the Sacramento area. While it is true that the courses are demanding, as long as you are willing to spend a significant amount of time studying you'll do fine. However, I would strongly advise against taking A&P and micro in the same semester. These are both classes that demand a great deal of time and attention, and it is very important that you get good grades in order to be competitive when you apply to nursing school, so I wouldn;t try to cram them into a single semester.

As far as speaking English as a second language is concerned, I doubt that it will be an issue. I've had people who spoke English as a second language in all of my nursing pre-requisite classes, and they've generally done very well.

Thank you so much for the reply! I agree that it is very demanding. Do you think if I don't work, can I handle Micro and Anatomy together in a fall semester? Also do you know by a chance is it much shorter time to become a Respiratory Therapyst then a Register Nurse? Is there are a big difference in classes that I have to take? What do you think is better respiratoory therapyst or I should go straight for RN if I get into a program and not loosing time? Once I become a Register Nurse and if I don't like it I can easy become a Respiratory Therapyst? Thank you!!!

Do you think if I don't work, can I handle Micro and Anatomy together in a fall semester?

If you have very good study habits and a strong sense of self-discipline, you should be able to handle both courses in the same semester. I took micro and physiology in the same semester and managed to do well in both classes, but I spent many hours studying.

Also do you know by a chance is it much shorter time to become a Respiratory Therapist then a Registered Nurse? Is there are a big difference in classes that I have to take? What do you think is better respiratory therapist or I should go straight for RN if I get into a program and not loosing time? Once I become a Register Nurse and if I don't like it I can easy become a Respiratory Therapist? Thank you!!!

I'm certainly no expert on respiratory therapy programs, but I did run across some information while researching RN programs. There are three community colleges within a reasonable driving distance of Sacramento that offer respiratory therapy programs: American River College, Modesto Junior College, and Napa Valley College. In general, these programs require fewer pre-requisites than RN programs, and are somewhat less competitive. All are two-year programs. I'm undoubtedly biased, but I think you'd be better off to seek an RN, and use respiratory therapy as a "backup plan."

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