What's the difference between MSN in nursing education vs. MSN-CNS in nsng education?


I just started back to school in an online RN to MSN program. I am interested in nursing education, and chose the MSN in nursing education degree path. But I was wondering... what is the advantage to getting a MSN CNS in nursing education? I don't understand the difference. What jobs would I be qualified for with either? Thanks.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

The answer to your questions depends on the particular curriculum of that particular school -- and on the state nurse practice act for that particular state. Each school is free to label its academic programs as it sees fit and it is common for programs with the same name to be diferent at different schools and for programs with different names to actually be pretty similar.

I suggest you look closely at the curricula of any programs that you are curious about. Look at the required classes, etc. Also, discuss the details of your particular program with the Program Director and/or another member of the faculty who is very knowledgable about your particular curriculum and about the state of affairs in your region of the country.

I suspect the inclusion of the CNS component in the one program signifies that the graduates would be eligible to be certified as a CNS, while the other program's graduates would not.

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