What a wonderful weekend...first code


Specializes in Geriatric, Medical/Surgical.

I worked Fri/Sat this weekend, and have to go back tonight.

Friday night was BUSY BUSY...9pts, charge, transfusion going, 1admission...things were ALMOST under control when at 0445 my patient who was supposed to be discharged to home at 0800 (rides and everything arranged) fell. c/o hip pain, xrays to be done. everthing turned out fine, but it was a busy morning.

Thought it couldn't get any worse. Last night started better...only 8 patients with my admit! (along with charge, another transfusion, etc). 1 aide went home sick about midnight. 0500 I walk into a patients room to draw bloods, find her extremely lethargic, labored respirations, etc. Call a rapid response, rapid response team comes, we end up calling a code, pt is in and out as far as the pulse goes...finally ready to transfer her to the ICU...wheeling her out the door.....out comes the PICC. No other IV access...horrible stick. I left her in the ICU still alive...how much of it from the drugs and how much from her own will and God's will I don't know....guess maybe I'll find out tonight whether or not she made it.

As badly as I would feel if she didn't make it, I feel worse about the mess I ended up leaving for day shift! The pt was 79, didn't look all that good to begin with, and either way I'll be ok with the outcome of the code. But I HATE leaving messes for the next shift. They all said it was fine, and they understood, and told me to go home....but I still feel badly.

And I have to go back tonight....hopefully it will be better.......:down:

Specializes in ICU.
I worked Fri/Sat this weekend, and have to go back tonight.

As badly as I would feel if she didn't make it, I feel worse about the mess I ended up leaving for day shift! The pt was 79, didn't look all that good to begin with, and either way I'll be ok with the outcome of the code. But I HATE leaving messes for the next shift. They all said it was fine, and they understood, and told me to go home....but I still feel badly.

And I have to go back tonight....hopefully it will be better.......:down:

Unless you left a mess on purpose I wouldn't sweat it.

Never forget... NURSING IS A 24HR JOB.


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