Published Jul 12, 2015
1 Post
I'm about to start my pre requisites for nursing school. I'm nervous, it's been a long time since I've been in school(I graduated at 17, and have not been to college before), but I'm pretty confident that nursing is what I want to do. I've been a DSP for two years before making this decision.
I've only got a matter of weeks before I drop my full time job for part time and have to rely more heavily on my boyfriend's job to support both of us while I'm in school. In the interest of making the future a little easier, I'd like to buy as many things as possible now, so I don't have to buy them later when I have even less money. The requirements of the nursing program are pretty minor, just textbooks, uniform, PDA(I assume for reference books? I'm considering also buying them on paper as well, though, because I don't generally like using digital reference books),lab supplies and stethoscope.
So, what served/is serving you well in school? Any books that helped you that weren't required? Did you find a laptop indispensable? Did you not use one much? Would you have preferred a tablet? how about bags? Study aids? Any additional things you couldn't live without?
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate all the advice and input you guys can offer
47 Posts
I start my BSN program 8/31 - I too would like to know! :)
Krystal C. 💉💕
107 Posts
Since you are just starting your prerequisites, I honestly would not worry about supplies for the nursing program. I know its exciting to get new folders, pens, paper lol. I would focus on getting A's in all of my prerequisite classes & saving money. I would still work full time too. This way you can minimize student loan debt if you decide to use loans in the future.
I don't know what type of program you want to attend, so I don't know if it will take you 1 or 2 years to complete the prereqs. My suggestions for supplies for prereqs would be index cards to put info, different color pens for notes & folders. I liked Barrons E-Z anatomy & physiology, and Anatomy & Physiology made easy series books. These were great resources for me. If you feel that you are not understanding the material PUHLEEEAAASE get help fast! Do not wait until exam 2, test 4 to seek help. If its the first week, ask for help. There is no need to feel embarrassed or dumb if you need help. We all did/do. One bad exam can kill your grade. This fall, I am entering my last year of my bachelors nursing program. I have watched students actually fail a class due to one bad exam. The test are 10x harder & the stakes are higher than before due to the different type of grading scale.
As you progress in taking your prereqs, you will learn what works best for you in how you study.
Wishing you much success on your journey!