What to study now??


Hello all!! I am a fairly new nurse (been working SNF for 1.5 years) I am looking for some advice or ideas on how to beef up my knowledge. I feel, like a lot of new nurses it seems, incompetent and confused a lot of times :-( When I come across something I am unfamiliar with at work I try to write it down so I can read up on it at home but I feel like that's not cutting it. I have come to the conclusion that I need to go back to the basics of anatomy/physiology. I'm just not sure how to go about it, I've thought about retaking the classes but can't get myself to pay for it. I have a couple books but I would love to find a program of some sort. I have a hard time knowing what to study on my own. Any ideas for me? I really really want to be an awesome nurse and I'm willing to put in the time, just not sure where to start. Thanks for listening!!

I really like Khan Academy's educational material. Everything on the site is free and they also have NCLEX style questions now. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/health-and-medicine

Specializes in Med/Surg/ICU/Stepdown.

Give yourself a little time to get accustomed to all of the things you'll be seeing in your facility. Jot down notes about procedures, disease processes, treatments, and tests frequently ordered/performed at your facility. Once you've got a fairly good list, utilize prior nursing books, journal databases, and old skills books (in addition to your facility's policies and procedures) to learn all you can and apply it as you carry out your day-to-day nursing responsibilities. Also, joining a specialty organization never hurts, even if just to join the ANA. Good luck!

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