What information needs to be memorized?


Before nursing school I was a CNA; I knew my job in and out and what was important. As a nursing student, first level included us being constantly monitored and assisted, with an opportunity to get our client paperwork the day before. This allowed me to study, study, study that client and be a pro at answering questions about that specific client during clinical time.

Second level is a different story. We will be doing "nursing skills" only and are expected to function independently. There was no transition to this. We did not get the opportunity to practice numerous nursing skills, but I get the feeling we're expected to know them confidently.

I don't feel confident. The faculty varies on what we need to have stored in our "head" and what can be accessed on the hospital system.

Chem panel norms -- memorized or on the computer?

ABG norms -- memorized or on the computer?

Which conditions should we have interventions "memorized" for (I'm thinking diabetic incidents, electrolyte imbalances, MI/chest pain, CVA, what else)?

I know that when I get to my first job and they orient me, I'll be able to focus and the majority of "what I need to know" will become second nature to me. However, I want to appear confident during clinicals... Our experiences are constantly changing. This semester is an acute longterm.

What should I know?

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