Published May 18, 2012
2 Posts
Hi guys!! I currently work in an office in data entry and I recently visited a hospital and got a very strong feeling, I think it was a calling, that I wanted to be a nurse. So I am planning to get an Associates and become an RN. I already have a BA in Spanish. I just want to know from you guys what you think I should know about nursing and about nursing school and what I should be ready for? I have anxiety and I know this could be a problem in the nursing profession but I am sure there are some nurses out there that suffer from anxiety as well. I still think I could do a great job and think it is a very noble profession even if you are not recognized for it. So please! give me advice!! Anything you can think of. Thanks!!!
167 Posts
Nursing, and nursing school is challenging. I haven't even started yet and my head is swimming!! My friends/family who are RN's and LPN's tell me that they have not regretted becoming a nurse and that it is very rewarding. Nurses have a huge responsibility in regards to personal conduct, and in their care of their patients. That being said, I think it would be wise to check into a few nursing schools in your area and find out what their requirements are. Since you already have a BA, you could potentially go for a fast track program for people who already hold a degree.
As far as what to be ready for.. I don't think you can ever be truly ready for nursing school other than to know that it will most likely consume your life to a great extent while you are in school. Not to say you can't have a social life, but that studying will be VERY high on your list of priorities.
I don't know much about anxiety, but it's a valid diagnosis and I know people who do suffer from anxiety. I don't see why it should stop you from becoming a nurse, but it might make some things more challenging.
Good Luck!!!
6 Posts
Nursing is a wonderful profession! I have worked as an aide for a few and I fell in love with the fields and went on to nursing school. I would recommend trying out an side position prn before starting nursing school. We had many quite the first semester.... All that work for nothing... Because they didn't know what they getting into... Nursing is in no way glamorous... It's hard work, lifting and such... It's dirty work, blood, bowel movements, urine... It's one of those you love it or you hate it deals... I happen to love it... bedpans and all!! You have to love helping people... But I can't think of a more rewarding career with so many opportunities... You could work in a doctors office, hospital, desk job, you name it... Another recommendation would be to research a local nursing school that offers a diploma program... the only real difference between a nursing diploma and associate is clinical time which you want... Diploma gives you sooooooooooooo much clinical time... We were giving injections and doing iv's and all meds and dressings second semester! The associate is more learning in class abd not near as much hands on.. Both take then same nclex and receive the same title of RN and both can pursue bachelors and on... When you get to nursing school know your anatomy and physiology!! It's the foundation everything else is built on... The most critical thing to know in the nursing program.... Wish you the best of luck... If you need anything... [email protected]