What are my chances of getting into LSU Nursing School?


Okay, so I have a 3.25 GPA in my nursing pre-reqs. Overall, I have around a 3.0 or 3.1 GPA. I'm worried about the HESI exam. I have to take the HESI A2 V-1 with CT. What do y'all think the lowest score LSU would accept? I'm worried about not getting in. However, I haven't heard of anyone NOT getting in...has anyone here ever been rejected from LSU nursing school or heard of someone getting rejected?

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Hello and welcome to the site. I moved your thread to Louisiana State Nursing Programs. Hopefully you will get more response from some of our LA members. Good luck!

I have a 3.1 overall and a 3.5 for my pre-reqs. I just took the HESI and got an 84%, and my CT score was 780. I'm not happy with my score and am thinking about retaking it, but I don't know if I can afford it again. I'm worried as well, I really really want to go to LSU and I still haven't taken Intro to Sociology (registered to take it in the Fall) and I heard that people that haven't completed classes that are a pre-req but not REQUIRED by application due date are put on the back burner compared to others that have ALL pre-reqs finished even if their GPA or HESI score is higher than another student's that has all their classes completed. When are you taking the HESI? I have heard of people that have applied multiple times before they get accepted. I applied to Charity as well and my profile score for Charity is high so I feel confident that I will get accepted but I just REALLY want to go to LSU.

Has anyone heard of someone getting in with a HESI score of 65.33. Gpa 3.2

Two reference letters

and a lot of experience?

A little nervous I don’t have time to take the hesi again

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