Western University MSN-E 2024

U.S.A. California


Hello! I didn't see a thread for applicants applying for Western University's MSN-E 2024. Hope we can support and connect with each other here! 

Has another alternate heard any news back yet?

beli_98 said:

Has another alternate heard any news back yet?

I have not, this is getting a little nerve racking not gonna lie

Msn2023 said:

Check your emails guys. There should be an update of your application status. I just received mine and I was got accepted 😍🥰

Good luck everyone!

Did you do anything after getting placed on the alternate list?

I got an admission offer on Wednesday after being placed on the alternate list! I did accept. It said we have two weeks to accept or decline, so I think maybe after two weeks they will send the next wave of offers for alternates.

arslan rehman said:

I have not, this is getting a little nerve racking not gonna lie

Did you do anything after getting placed on the alternate list?

I emailed an admission counselor just asking about stats because I was anxious 🥲 he said this year there were 68 alternate offers, and historically faculty will admit 10-20 alternates each cycle. During my interview, I was told that it is ranked, but they don't share that information.

kca said:

I emailed an admission counselor just asking about stats because I was anxious 🥲 he said this year there were 68 alternate offers, and historically faculty will admit 10-20 alternates each cycle. During my interview, I was told that it is ranked, but they don't share that information.

Really? Because they told me that it wasn't ranked?! LOL I'm so confused especially because there's so much conflicting information. 68 alternates is a bit ridiculous if you ask me 😂

Specializes in Master in Nursing.

@Arslan Mehman: I didn't do anything, just waiting. I got my status update on Wednesday 04/10. I think there should be another update after next 2 weeks. 

Good luck to you all 💖

I too just got off the alternate list but will decline my offer of admission. Got into CBU's program and like the price of tuition and smaller class size better. Was weighing the timeline of program completion (CBU 3 1/2 years vs Western's 2 years) but found I was able to obtain my RN license in equal time so it wasn't a factor in the end. Best of luck to you guys as another position should be opening up soon :)

I am happy and honored that they accepted me off the waitlist, but I shall decline as well! Good luck everyone! 🫶🏻

good luck! I'm still waiting. 🙏

I declined my offer too! I'm going to APU and it's longer but I'll get the BSN in 18 months, work as RN while getting the post licensure MSN in a specialty of my choice, it's called the ELM if anyone is interested in looking further into it! Good luck to everyone. You will all be amazing nurses, God had a plan for each and every one of us. Never lose hope in yourself! You've come this far ❤️

@Sushiiiiiluver You are so sweet. Thank you for your words of encouragement & sharing that info about APU! Good luck!🌟

Alright so I called the school two different counselors gave me two different answers.So at this point it's all up in the air. One is saying it's ranked the other is saying in the 16 years of being there it's not and the admissions counselors have no access they're just given names from the nursing program department. I hope this helps anyone else. They did say they had a lot of alternates declining so more acceptances should be coming in may. Fingers crossed for all of us 

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