Weird ways to remember PT and PTT


Weird Ways to Remember Lab Values

Hey guys,

I hope you find these helpful. These are some weird ways to help you memorize some important lab values. The keyword is weird.

Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT)

  • PTT measures how long the blood takes to clot (increased #=increase bleeding time)
  • In PTT the TT looks like a H--so we use PTT as our test when using Heparin.
  • Think Harry Potter--Heparin Protamine (sulfate) to remember the antidote.
  • PTT normally ranges from 30-40 seconds
  • Proper Teaching Time is 30 to 40 years old--this is how old your teachers are.

Prothrombin Time (PT)

  • PT also measures clotting times
  • Pills TakIN Regularly -PT and INR go together
  • INR--I=normal is 1, but therapeutic ranges from 2 (NR, 2 letters after the I) to 3 (INR, 3 letters in total)
  • Usually measured when on Coumadin / Warfarin
  • Think Wiz Khalifa--Warfarin (vitamin) K to remember the antidote.
  • PT normally ranges from 10-15 seconds
  • Pre-Teens are 10 to 15 years old--you hit the double digits but still cant drive

helpful! Thankyou!

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