Waiting to work...


Need some advice here. When I graduated in May I was lined up to start a periop internship (dream job in my dream hospital) in August that you could only begin after your license was obtained. Well... I didn't pass the NCLEX the first time and only now just recently passed.

I still have my internship waiting for me but it begins in Feb of 08. After failing boards the first time I thought it would be wise to dedicate all of my time to studying so I did not work at that time and am still currently out of the job.

I very much want this position but would like to work in some capacity prior to beginning the program. As a new grad I can expect that starting a new position at another hospital will require lots of time and money for training... and I don't particularly want to just leave an institution hanging to start some other job that I never told them about.

That's the dilemma. I can't stress enough how badly I want to work in the OR. This position had many applicants and I don't want to give it up. My friends in the nursing field just tell me to apply at another hospital and not even tell them about this other position since they have new nurses that leave all the time.

Any advice? I'm just an honest person and I hate to screw over a hospital that would hire me. Are there any positions that I could fill for the next 2 to 3 months that wouldn't require extensive training?

Specializes in ICU.

I would sit down with your future manager and ask if you can experience the other roles in the OR setting such as PACU, or holding area. IF you could get proficient in other areas, that would be a win win for your area. Just see what they say. Try to stay in the hospital that you are committed to so they and you can know your limitations. Good luck!!

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

I very much want this position but would like to work in some capacity prior to beginning the program. As a new grad I can expect that starting a new position at another hospital will require lots of time and money for training... and I don't particularly want to just leave an institution hanging to start some other job that I never told them about.

That's the dilemma. I can't stress enough how badly I want to work in the OR. This position had many applicants and I don't want to give it up. My friends in the nursing field just tell me to apply at another hospital and not even tell them about this other position since they have new nurses that leave all the time.

Any advice? I'm just an honest person and I hate to screw over a hospital that would hire me. Are there any positions that I could fill for the next 2 to 3 months that wouldn't require extensive training?

I thought I was the only one in the same position. I had posted a thread sometime last week and most of the nurses said to just take whatever job you can get, gain experience, then apply for the job you really want. And with that, I felt a little sad about the responses. I know what speciality I want to get into, so why not just go for it, right?

I'm sort of in a similar situation, but slightly different. I graduated in May but took my NCLEX in September for fear that I didn't want to rush into it and not pass. Luckily I passed the first time. I did my preceptorship for my last semester in adult oncology and the experience towards the end wasn't so great. So my plans on applying there were shut down for me. Our school advisor is pretty corrupt and openly plays favortism when nursing students. So I didn't get much help from her. My last semester was very tough on me, personally, and all I focused on was just passing. So thoughts of applying at hospitals went out the door for me. Then came the NCLEX and I focused on that. Passed and only then started applying.

The job I want to apply for doesn't accept applications for new grads until December, start interviewing in January, then hire in Feb/March. I really want to get the job there. But I need something to do until then. Just like you, I'll feel bad leaving a facility after only a couple months. Then the question of, "will it look bad on me to leave in such a short time" crossed my mind.

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one going through the same situation. So I'm looking forward to read more on this thread.

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