Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) CRNA 2024 application

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Hey everyone,

This form is for all VCU CRNA 2024 applicants to discuss the upcoming CRNA cohort. Everyone introduce yourself and give a little background about your experience. Tell us what campus you are applying to and ask any questions about the application process. If you have applied previously, please share your experiences that you had during the application process.

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
ICUCCRN11 said:

Just finished the interview process- I did not think it was too bad. Good luck everyone! It's having a hard time uploading my past last video so wish me luck LOL!

Oh wow! You are quick! Is re-recording allowed?  No clinical questions right? 

Specializes in Critical Care.
Lulata said:

Oh wow! You are quick! Is re-recording allowed?  No clinical questions right? 

I had to re-record my last question because it didn't save but other than that no. Just study as you would for any other CRNA interview. We will know by august 1 it says. 

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
ICUCCRN11 said:

I had to re-record my last question because it didn't save but other than that no. Just study as you would for any other CRNA interview. We will know by august 1 it says. 

Thank you! Good luck! 

Specializes in SRNA.
WishtobeCRNA said:

They are behind and there is nothing we can do about it but be patient and grateful that we made it to this stage of the application process. Because many did not even get the interview invites and would kill to be us right now, waiting to interview. 

Current NA3 here, and wanted to say this is a great perspective to have and it will take you far when you are an SRNA in any program.  I have to say, it's somewhat disheartening to see applicants express their disappointment here in some of the ways it has been said in this thread prior (by some, not all). In a three year program, almost NOTHING will be catered to your comfort...not your clinical schedule, not your exam schedule, not your preceptor's mood. You need to be fluid and flexible, characteristics that will serve you well when you are administering an anesthetic and in crisis situations. Please remember that there are > 150 SRNAs moving along at various years in the program and 700+ applications were received for this cycle.  Most NA programs have a small core faculty and support staff, VCU is no different. Tuck away your disappointment and keep your head up, patience is really a virtue now.  Good luck to you all!

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
Asherah said:

Current NA3 here, and wanted to say this is a great perspective to have and it will take you far when you are an SRNA in any program.  I have to say, it's somewhat disheartening to see applicants express their disappointment here in some of the ways it has been said in this thread prior (by some, not all). In a three year program, almost NOTHING will be catered to your comfort...not your clinical schedule, not your exam schedule, not your preceptor's mood. You need to be fluid and flexible, characteristics that will serve you well when you are administering an anesthetic and in crisis situations. Please remember that there are > 150 SRNAs moving along at various years in the program and 700+ applications were received for this cycle.  Most NA programs have a small core faculty and support staff, VCU is no different. Tuck away your disappointment and keep your head up, patience is really a virtue now.  Good luck to you all!

Thank you! 

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

The email mentioned practice questions, however I can't seem to find them. Any ideas?


Specializes in Neuro ICU.
Chewbekah said:

The email mentioned practice questions, however I can't seem to find them. Any ideas?


Hey! Click on "What Can I Expect" button  which is above  the actual button you click to get started. Good luck! 

Specializes in CVICU.

This might be strange but I was not given an option to record twice. Maybe I was so nervous that I did not notice a button. I wanted to re-record one of my questions, but I had to finish because that was the only option left. I did not think it was bad overall, but I was very nervous.

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

Definitely not feeling too confident after my will be a long wait to August 1st. Any ideas how many they interview vs how many they take? So happy to be given the opportunity to interview, can't help but I think I just ruined it 

Specializes in CVICU.
Chewbekah said:

Definitely not feeling too confident after my will be a long wait to August 1st. Any ideas how many they interview vs how many they take? So happy to be given the opportunity to interview, can't help but I think I just ruined it 

You probably did better than you think. Last year I heard they accepted 80 students between all campuses. I don't know how many were offered interviews. 

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
Chewbekah said:

Definitely not feeling too confident after my will be a long wait to August 1st. Any ideas how many they interview vs how many they take? So happy to be given the opportunity to interview, can't help but I think I just ruined it 

Hey Chewbekah! We are our own worst critics. You probably didn't do as bad as you think you did. Good luck! 

Chewbekah said:

Definitely not feeling too confident after my will be a long wait to August 1st. Any ideas how many they interview vs how many they take? So happy to be given the opportunity to interview, can't help but I think I just ruined it 

I am sure you did better than you think you did. Did you have trouble because it was timed? or which prompt did you have trouble answering?

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