Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Project


Specializes in Student.

Hi! For an undergraduate class assignment my group and I are tasked with designing a product to combat VAP. Has VAP been a noticeable problem during your nursing career? We are designing a product based on UV-C light research to create a thin strip of light to insert down an ET tube to keep a biofilm from forming. If you have any thoughts about this idea, VAP in general, or how we can make this idea better, please reach out or respond below!

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

While VAP is always of concern in our mechanically ventilated patients, the actual incidence of VAP is quite low. One study found an incidence of 1.81% at the national level, or 1-2.5 cases per 1000 ventilator days. 

Most, if not all critical care units have VAP bundles in place that include oral care q4h, CHG mouth rinses, subglottic suction ports for secretion evacuation, early mobility, and daily SAT/SBT initiatives. 

While the idea of utilizing UV-C is novel and interesting, I'd be cautious of introducing a device that would require some sort of electrical component for power that is coming directly into contact with high concentrations of oxygen. Also would the device need to be powered constantly and if so you are bypassing the skin's protection and introducing UV rays directly to delicate mucosal tissue. Lot's to think about in your group design and presentation. Best of luck!

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