Vent: Agggh! I think I'm gonna lose my sanity!


Specializes in OB, Peds, Med Surg and Geriatric Nsg.

I just wanna vent. Why do intimidating and negative people exist? To drive us crazy and ruin our remaining days on earth a living hell? Aggh! I have no clue. I'm so close to telling my staff coordinator to give me a schedule where I don't wanna work with these type of people. Though I don't wanna give the wrong impression of being picky and not getting along with my co-workers. It seems like it's them that doesn't wanna get along with me. I'm a friendly person. I've been told by my residents that I'm a sweet little thing. I come to work with good spirits and that is visible in my aura. I always try to be happy when I come to work even if I didn't have enough sleep or my menstrual cramps were bugging me. I feel good seeing smiles from my residents when I come in and leave their rooms. I don't care if my co-workers see me as kissing my resident's ass or pampering them too much. They always mention it in our reports as my residents compare me to them. And I guess they don't like that. I maybe new and they've been with these residents 5-10 years. Apparently they don't like the way I do things, seeing my happy good 'ol spirits everyday. I understand that old people are sometimes needy. They need attention especially when not a single relative comes over to visit them. They want you to sit down and have a conversation with them even for a minute or two. We, nurses are the closest to a family that they have and I wanna give them that relationship. I too need a family, for my family lives 9174 miles away from me.

I'm just new to LTC and just came off orientation. I have no idea about calling doctors, responsible parties, paging maintenance and whole lotta telephone skills. It would have been nice to know if someone could teach me that. I feel like if I ask something which is pretty much easy to them, I feel such a dumb ass who doesn't even know how to use a telephone. Well, forgive me. Back in the Philippines, we have telephone operators. We tell them who needs to be paged and family are always at the patient's bedside. Did I mention that I also stutter? I am not a great fan of phone calls since back in the Philippines, we text. Instead of making a mockery in front of my face, why not show me how it's being done?

I have no problem trying to help anybody. I've helped some of my co-workers with their work but I don't get a simple thank you. I've noticed that when it's me that needs help, they turn their backs on me. Acting as if they're busy when they're not. What is wrong with these people? When I come home, I can't help but vent everything to my husband and asking his thoughts about their actions. I don't want their negativity or dissatisfaction in their lives affect me. But how long am I gonna come home feeling like this? I'm becoming more and more stressed about work specifically because of my co-workers. There are days that I'm not looking forward to work when I know that I'm working with these types of people. Should I start looking for another job?

Specializes in Geriatrics, Adult Psych, Peds HH.

Hang in there!

When I started in a LTC facility, I was shocked at how depressed, angry and bitter the staff seemed to be. They seemed like they all hated being there. The doctors weren't all too friendly either, the patients were miserable, and the families seemed like total divas. Even the housekeepers were rude!

Give your co-workers time. I have been at this facility for 9 months and it has greatly improved! Once you get to know your co-workers, get used to the docs and the rest of the staff, things get a lot easier. We all even go out for drinks once in a while...bottom line, be positive, be friendly, have an attitude to learn, and it will get easier :)

Specializes in Geriatric,LTC.

Don't quit! It's very hard to find another job in this economy. I have looked for several months before I found my current job. I am very new to nursing too and have been stressed all the time before I come to work. I don't feel comfortable with some of my coworkers (although some are really nice). By the way, I am from the Philippines too and I know what you are going through having problems with communication and answering the phone. My advice is be strong and I know you will get through this difficult period at work. Just focus on your work and not your coworkers. can't please everybody. Just do your best and God will do the rest. :)

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