VCC First Sem. Nursing Students


Hi all! I start the nursing program at valencia in MAy and I just wanted to know what type of experiences you have had so far. How are the classes? Is it as hard as everyone says? Any info would be very helpful. Thank in advance!

Specializes in Hospice.

Hi! Are we ready to jump out of our skin or WHAT!? I start in May also. This morning I went to the bookstore to go ahead and purchase the required textbooks. There were a few girls from NUrsing II and above getting books also. They atually took the time to tell me what optional books they used and were asking me if I was excited. They were really nice. I actually told them I was running the gambit daily from super excited to quite nervous. The girl from II was like "chill, it's cool." Im thinking are you that calm seriously? it is because the program is just that good and well put together that At least I have always heard that our program is awesome! I just can not wait until our orientation so that I know more what to expect in OUR program.

Good luck and I hope we get some more posters on this one!

BTW what are you taking this semester?

Hi Benya I am currently taking bio of human sexuality, me term, span, and college algebra. Can you tell me which optional book they recommended to purchase. GOOD LUCK IN THE PROGRAM!

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