Published Apr 15, 2010
1 Post
Hi everyone!
First time poster, but a long time reader :) I've found lots of helpful advice throughout the forums from my time here. I'm now a second year student in the BN program.
I am about to begin my clinical rotation in vascular surgery, and I was wondering if anyone could give me any tips/suggestions on things to know, or skills to practice, and so on. I had a very bad clinical experience on my last (and first) surgery rotation (gynecology) mostly due to a very heavy patient load on my first day, and an instructor who has an issue with all humankind. Either way, I don't want to run into problems again, and would like to feel more confident when entering this clinical experience. I have no idea what vascular surgery is about, or what kinds of skills are used, and our instructors tend to throw this information on us at the first clinical day, and leave us in a panic!
If anyone has any tips regarding vascular surgery (or clinical in general if you have no idea about specifics of vascular surg), I would greatly appreciate it!