Valencia Nursing Summer 2019



I'm creating this forum so anxious, future Valencia nursing students can ask questions and voice their frustration about waiting on acceptance letters. :-)

I so badly wanted to apply for the Concurrent program Valencia- UCF Summer 2019. However I have a soon to be 1 yr old and I want to be able to appreciate my time with her. So I decided why rush to get done slightly early, which means I applied for the general nursing track. When I submitted my application it said the response would be 6-8 weeks which would suggest around the middle of March latest.

Anyone one else around that also applied for summer 2019, or have been waitlisted and hoping to start at that time? I'm interested in hearing from others.

Hello and welcome to the Anxiety Club! ;) Did you apply for daytime/night or pick a campus preference?

I've also applied to the daytime traditional track for Summer 2019, with a preference for Osceola. Your situation resonates with me so much, because I also debated on applying for the Concurrent program and decided against it because of my almost-1yo daughter. That first year of life FLIES, doesn't it? :'(

I received the same response regarding the timing of the application decision, but I'm certainly hoping they render decisions sooner! The waiting is killer.

If you'd like to check them out, there are a couple of additional Valencia threads going around for Summer 2019 that people are posting on. Good luck with your application!

I also applied for the daytime program at the Osceola campus. Hopefully we will be classmates soon! :-)

Yes, the first year with my baby girl really flew by. I feel like I was just pregnant last month, and it 3 weeks she turns one :-(.

I would love to checkout the other Valencia threads for Summer 2019. I have only found the one for Spring 2019. Where can I find them? Sorry, I'm not very up on the forums, feeds, and technology type stuff lol.

Awesome! Another Osceola applicant! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :D

Our girls must have been born around the same time. My baby's bday is in just under a month. I still can't believe how fast she's grown up!

The other threads are here:

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