Published Apr 20, 2010
ms_sgr, BSN, NP
206 Posts
I was accepted into UWG nursing program, and wanted to know if anyone knows anything about it.
71 Posts
Congratulations! What would you like to know?
I wanted to know how is their nursing program
WONDERFUL! I graduated in 2008, passed the NCLEX as did 97% of the class. They have a very high pass rate for NCLEX and prepare you well to be a successful RN. The program accepts 60 students in Carrollton and 60 in Newnan once per year with courses starting this summer. If you would like more details you can talk to an advisor at the Carrollton campus. They will send you a full packet of information as well.
Where are you attending, Carrollton or Newnan? Carrollton is the full-time program and Newnan is part-time. The instructors are caring and you will have the tools to succeed. Word of advice: In any nursing program you must make this your priority #1 job in life as the tests are challenging and the content is enormous! GOOD LUCK:yeah:
Thanks for getting back to me. I have been accepted into the Carrollton program. I have already ordered my books. I'm doing the exercises in the Med book now. My first class is Professional Concept and I noticed that we have a group project. I'm not very fond of group projects, so I am a little nervous about passing that class. How did you prepare for your test? Did you work while you were attending school?
There will be many times you will work in a group. The Prof Concept class is interesting and not stressful. In fact, I made many friends through nursing school and participated in small study groups that were very beneficial to passing tests. Each person has different strengths and knowledge to offer the group.
As far as preparing for tests, I read powerpoints before class, read all the attachments to the course--any information that was added as a supplement. I also tried to read the textbook and usually scanned boxes and tables for concise info.
I did work through school, about 15 hours per week. I don't recommend a full-time job as that is putting too much stress on yourself. The only other outside activity I did was take care of my family. I have two children, one was preschool age and the other in elementary at the time.
**Take advantage of every day by reading something, whether 30 minutes or longer. I would take my notes to doctor appointments, read note cards while standing in lines, etc.
25 Posts
I am encouraged... Thanks, ilovemyjob