Utica, Ramussen, or Keiser???


I live in Tampa, Fl. I got bachelors in computer science and I'm bored out of my mind and the pay is horrible. So I figure with nursing it would be exciting to help people and I would make some decent coin

So those are my 3 options to do the Accelerated BSN since I already have a bachelors.

I have a 3.1 but I really don't think thats good enough for any of the public schools in Florida, plus they have long wait list.

Utica, I already got in, all you have to do is take 1 pre-req through them and your automatically enrolled. But its completely online and the reviews I read are 90% bad,,

Ramussen, Don't know much about it but they let you take pre-reqs after getting accepted so thats cool.

For the first two I wouldn't have to move.

But for Keiser in Sarasota, I probably would have to... That does seem like the best school to go to..

I would love any suggestions from people who have gone to any of these schools or ever were looking into them before.

And, also the price for these schools is all around 50k right?


Anyone have ANY info on these schools?


I only know about Utica, and I'm not really sure what information you are looking for. The lectures are online so a good amount of the work is independent and requires a great amount of self discipline to stay up to speed and not fall behind on material. If you're not a student who does well with online class formats this program might be difficult for you. The only instructors you see face to face are the lab faculty on site, and they tell you themselves that lab is completely independent of lecture. So as far as material, they are willing to help you to understand it, but they still still tell you to go to your lecture instructors to ensure that what they are telling you does not contradict what is being taught in lecture. Most of the faculty is good about responding to emails and such if there are questions or concerns. No program is perfect, but any complaints I've had many of my friends at other accelerated programs across the country have also had, so it seems to be bigger than just one school.

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