UT Chatt interview


I have my Chattanooga interview on Thursday and was wondering if anyone had any advice for what to study and what to know. I also was wondering how the interview went? how long it was? how many inerviewers? Do they ask more clinical or get to know you questions?

Any info would be helpful because right now I am working on nothing.

First off, congrats. I'm in the program now.

There are a number of interviewers in the panel and they will meet with you all together. They will usually ask you a couple of get to know you questions and then they use your answers to go from there. Therefore, don't bring up anything you don't want to talk in depth about. By in depth, I mean down to the cellular level. Now, they could throw a curve ball at you with any question, but for the most part, your answers drive the show.

Most importantly, make it clear you would do anything to be there/a CRNA. They see the best of the best all the time. They're looking for skill, inteligence, calm and motivation. And ALWAYS fess up when you don't know an answer. You will be kicked to the curb if you bs an answer. They don't want to risk any students in their program bs-ing their way in the OR so they cut 'em off at the pass here.

Good luck. Maybe I will see you Thursday.


How many are they interviewing and how soon will they let people know if they got in or not?

The last count I heard was 60-70ish interviews for 20-something positions. I don't know, for sure, when they'll let everyone know. Last year, it was within a couple of weeks.

Specializes in critical care.

Super Sleeper, what do you think about the UTC program? Is the program front-loaded or do you go ahead and jump into clinicals at the beginning? And, are most of your clinicals at Erlanger? Thanks!!

Oh...another question :) Would you possibly have a copy of a med sheet you used to study for the interview? I am applying next year, and would really like to go ahead and start studying and getting organized. Thanks!

I love the program. I'm more than happy I'm here.

I did not use any particular med sheet to prepare. I got my CCRN the year before and used that study book to prepare. I also just started looking up the meds and the issues that I handled in the unit as I got them.

Good info to know: When looking up info on meds, focus less on dosing and more on the effects, the indications, and the cellular level of functioning... i.e. does it work on alpha or beta receptors. For that matter, know what those receptors affect in general and where in the body.


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