US license renewal


hello everyone! i was infomed by my agency that prior to renewing my license i should take continuing education units online.this will be my first time to renew.

when i checked articles on the web, i found out that a nurse licensed by examination and renewing the license for the first time is exempted from taking the ceu's.

so now i am wondering what to do this information true and accurate?

i hope somebody can shed light to it.thanks!

hello everyone! i was infomed by my agency that prior to renewing my license i should take continuing education units online.this will be my first time to renew.

when i checked articles on the web, i found out that a nurse licensed by examination and renewing the license for the first time is exempted from taking the ceu's.

so now i am wondering what to do this information true and accurate?

i hope somebody can shed light to it.thanks!

with which state are you renewing your license? different boards have different rules, if you want true and accurate infomation then you must visit the particular bon website or get in touch with them directly.

on this site, on the top right of your screen it says resources, under that is boards of nursing. go there, click your state and you'll find the web site for each state. each states have their own requirements. in florida you need 24 continuing education credits and that must include hiv, prevention of medical errors and domestic violence with first renewal.

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