Published Aug 29, 2018
4 Posts
Hi All. I really need some urgent help. I am looking to start school in Spring 2019. I am researching prospective CUNY & some private schools for nursing. I will hopefully do extremely well in my prerequisites (took some already and got As). But I am using my husband's GI Bill and not going to be working anymore. I need to transition to go very smoothly. I can not have a gap in my semesters because we are going to be depending on the housing allowance.
What are the chances of getting into the nursing program at any CUNY schools so there is no gap in my classes? What do you if you don't get into the program and already took the prerequisites? Do you not go to school that semester? Do you take other classes? I always have to be full time in order to get my housing allowance. I noticed some CUNY schools only have nursing in certain semesters. This is all very overwhelming. Please everyone out there, I welcome your advice. Thank you.
157 Posts
I imagine your chances entirely depend on a) the strength of your application, b) how many classes you need to take, and c) how you schedule your prereq classes according to your needs and the college's availability. So it's impossible for anyone to really give you a straight answer.
You will probably need do some research on the requirements for each program and what the stats of those accepted generally are. There might be some threads on here where people who were accepted share their GPA, etc. You can also talk with an advisor to determine exactly how many classes you need to take and if there are any semesters in which some of the classes aren't offered (some colleges may only offer A&P2 in the spring, etc). You can then schedule out the classes you need and try to see if you can finish the classes the semester before you would start nursing school (if you get accepted for that semester, obviously.) That, of course, requires you to figure out what semesters each program accepts new students in. For instance, the programs I applied to did not have any spring starts. They only admitted in the summer and/or fall semesters. You should also make sure that those programs would not require that your prereqs be completely finished before you apply, as that would pretty much mean you'd have to have a semester-long gap unless you want to take courses that aren't really required for your degree.
Maybe a spreadsheet to organize it a bit more and not make it so overwhelming?