Updates on the Pros and Cons of being a CRNA


What are the pros and cons of being a CRNA

Before asking a very general and subjective question you should look into the job role of a CRNA and you expectations of an APRN role. The AANA website has tons of resources for individuals interested in the CRNA role. Also look into the political battles between the ASA and AANA, current legislation issues such as the VA bills and medicate state opt-out issues. Also look into the "Michigan 68" to understand job contract issues.

The amount of autonomy and schedule are very dependent on where you practice, as are the salaries and employment opportunities. Each job its own specific pros and cons, you just have to decide what is the ideal situation for you.

All that being said, I love being a CRNA and think it is a wonderful profession. Great for critical thinking and individuals who are looking for more autonomy and to move out of the ICU.

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