my update


Sorry about last week. We were scheduled to have an A&P test on friday and a Pharm test on moday. (wich thankfully was moved to wed) anyway it was hecktic. I think I even broke my own rule and studied last sunday.

Its fun. it really is. we are now learning about the pathways that each sensation take on their way to the brain. everything is going well and better. we had to get a new chem teacher but we were all very thankful and love the new one.

we get our grades back for the last two tests on monday. maybe I won't be as chipper after that. well see. the company that makes rocuronium gave us all free peripheral nerve stimulators. I got my family to stand in a circle and hold hands with two of us holding the electrodes. I gave us a light jolt and it was fun to feel the electricity go around the whole circle. HEY WERE ON A BUDGET WE GOTTA DO SOMTHING FOR FUN.

The rumor mill has it that TWU is out getting more and more clinical sites and in great places. the director does site visits to each of the sites to make sure everything is going well. at some of the sites they will be able to do the spring semester via satilaite TV if the student wants. so you could potentlially go home to be with your family after 1 semester on campus. Its hard though. I can't say enough about that. If you think getting is the hard part. don't fool yourself. there are volumes of learnig just wating for you.


hey alan there is nothin like the dorsal column medial-lemniscal and anterolateral systems is it? just had that test.

nope nothing like it, except the next test

Oh my gosh--it is so nice to hear that you guys are being put through the same stuff I am. Just had that same test last Monday. I'm glad to hear others are doing well; Keep up the hard work!

I have that test coming up this week. Wish me luck! Hope you all did as well as I hope to do. Keep up the good work everyone. It will all be worth it I am sure.

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