Published May 10, 2017
1 Post
I just completed my sophomore year of undergrad at a community college and I will be graduating from there this summer with a 3.0 cGPA and an associates degree in science. I didn't realize until halfway through my sophomore year that nursing school was something I sincerely wanted to pursue, so I struggled with finding the passion and drive to get through my classes until then (resulting in a few grades I am not very proud of). I fear that this has ruined any chances I may have had of getting into nursing school. Of the nursing schools I am looking at applying to, I have an average science GPA of 3.5 and a prereq GPA of 3.4, but this may be lower as they weight classes differently than my technical college does. Should I consider taking some more classes in the fall before applying to try to boost up my GPA a bit more?
I have volunteer experience in hospice, shadowing experience with nurses and surgeons of the human and animal variety (my fiance is a resident surgeon and was able to pull a few strings for me-- sometimes it really is about who you know lol), and I have work experience as a medical scribe. Is this enough in terms of hands on clinical experience to be considered? If not, what other kind of experience do nursing schools like to see? I am really looking for anything to pad my application with.
Any advice would be incredibly grateful. And if anyone reading this has faced a situation similar to my own in regards to being an average student and deciding rather late that they wanted to pursue nursing, please share!
Thanks, y'all.