University of Michigan vs. Boston College


Hi! I'm currently a high school senior making my final decision on where I will get my BSN. I was accepted to a variety of programs but have narrowed my choices down to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and Boston College. Until recently I was fairly certain I wanted to attend UofM but as I am from MA and my family, boyfriend and friends are all about an hour away from

BC, I've grown very weary of the distance. That being said I do highly respect both programs. I am aware that Michigan is ranked higher, although being from MA I know that BC has a great nursing reputation as well. If anyone could give me any insight into either of the programs this could really help me with my decision. Thanks!

U of M is a great school, but it's been so long since I've been a student that my advice or insight wouldn't be beneficial. It sounds like you're leaning towards staying near home and you're looking for someone to agree or talk you out of it. My vote is for Michigan, but what does your family and BF say?

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