University of Miami ABSN help with paying school


I    am currently enrolled in the ABSN program at University of Miami. I    started this Summer 2023. My parents recently had to close their business this past May and their credit has gone bad. I  have a friend that mentioned the HRSA scholarship program, but according to my university that is only for graduate students. I    saw online they offer the NSL (Nursing Student Loan) program. Does anyone know about this program and if this is accepted. There are times when I    would call Cane Central and they would be clueless on private loans even though it was on their website. im stressing because I    now have no way to pay for the Summer session. I    have tried applying for scholarships but no word yet. I    do not qualify for any loans and my parents credit are in the repair mode since the close of their business. Is there any other options out there that anyone is aware of. I    called the School about the NSL and they are as usual never heard of it because you have students answering the phone. I    went through hell to get them to approve a loan they claim they never heard of but the loan company was on their site.LOL. This has been my passion to pursue since I    was in third grade and now im afraid I    will not be able to complete the program. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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