Unfulfilled with my current career


I currently have a Master's degree in Nutrition and I make a decent salary About 40K in the midwest. But although the job is very flexible (i make my own schedule or work from home), I am very unfulfilled. I hated this subject when I was in high school (did not even take it). When I went to undergrad, I was forced to take it since it had more teaching opportunities. I taught high school for 2 years. I then ended up in grad school in the USA doing the same thing--it was the only way I could make it to grad school and did not know much else--I am from another country.

I endured through grad school hating every part of it. It was very challenging and is still is teaching people about foods that are strange to you. It is very frustrating when you are teaching a class about what foods to avoid if you are diabetic and someone asks you about a food that you have no clue what it is. I would say I still don't know about 30% of the foods in US. I hate this career and the subject I teach but I like the flexibility.

I have thought about nursing but my husband has discouraged me from it due to the odd working hours, working holidays and weekends and the stress.

I am now thinking about occupational therapy or nursing. I could qualify for the accelerated nursing option.

I could also qualify for a direct entry Master in Occupational therapy or Doctorate in occupational therapy but the school closest to me costs about $800 per credit hour. The doctoral program is 3 years and the masters is two years. I have 2 young kids but have no student loans currently.

What would you advice?:confused:

Gee, no replies! Maybe you should try re-posting this with a different subject heading. You could use something like "Have Masters in Nutrition but want new career - ideas?" Good luck!

2b, yes, I know what you mean about unfulfilled. But, it seems as if you have a number of good options. I'm not sure if I would go into debt for a nonurgent situation at this precarious time, however. I write nonurgent because you are currently holding a job. Have you taken a career assessment to see what your skills, values, and abilities are? I would do that first before I embark on another unfilling career journey. Also, consider health information management, formerly medical records. I know, I know, this may not be what you had in mind. But this area is really very diverse and offers alot of opportunities for lateral moves as well as advancement. It also pays pretty decently and for the most part you can avoid weekends and holidays. I've been encouraging people to take a look at health information management because it is a well-kept secret. Take a look under certification which is under professional development at http://www.ahima.org and note the opportunities. If you like to deal with the coding, financial, business, IT side of health care, this field is for you. Best wishes.

PS: I will say that having a nurse's license has opened doors for me to get into roles that don't require me to work weekends and holidays.

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