Published Sep 21, 2011
53 Posts
I got to take a trip with my clinic mates to unc chapel hill and visit the burn center, picu and trauma. I don't know if any of those nurses are a part of this forum but I was truly amazed and inspired by the level of nursing I witnessed. I was honestly touched by the compassion these rns had especially in the burn center. I could only hope to be as good as these nurses I met. We got to go up to the heli pad at the end of the day as I stood there and looked over chapel hill I thought to my self nursing is so much more to me than all the meds, machines, exams and endless lectures. It is truly a calling I can't wait to keep going on in school and getting the chance to constantly learn new things and techniques and I especially can't wait to impact lives. And that trip to unc reminded me of that.
I had to say something about these wonderful people I met! It was seriously almost overwhelming at how much they really did and exactly how well they knew not only their patients but everybody on the unit.
Go heels!
150 Posts
I am not at UNC but I am glad you had a positive experience. Thanks for sharing!
57 Posts
I'm so glad you loved it! I worked at UNC and I miss it sooooooooo much! Awesome awesome hospital.