Published Nov 14, 2005
1 Post
Hi Folks,
I'm not a nursing student yet :) , but I did apply to the UCSF Mepn program recently. I know the program is competitive...but wasn't sure how much so, especially compared to other programs around the country. Does anyone know how many people apply and are accepted on a typical year? Does it stay the same year after year? At this stage, it's too late to take advice, but I'd like to know more about the pool of applicants and my chances.
I don't know what the numbers are but I am a MEPN at UCSF and I can tell you that if you don't get in this year you should definitely re apply. I have heard that most people get in the second time and particularly if they ask you to re apply chances are good that you will get in.
If you make it to the interview--- Here are some questions I remember them asking:
1. What do you think the hardest thing about being a nurse will be?
2. Why do you want to become a _____ (fill in the blank ANP, FNP, whatever your specialty is. Be very specific--- this is a big question.)
3. How do you handle adversity?
4. What do you think it will be like being in a master's program with people who have been working as nurses for years? How do you handle competition?
5. Why don't you want to be a doctor?
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
On interview day almost everyone wears a black suit. I know that when I went for my interview I was wrecked--- very stressed out. Do your best to get some sleep the night before. Try to view it as a dry run. I was convinced I wouldn't get in and I would have to re apply. I would also pay attention at the lunch with a current MEPN and go to the breakfast with current MEPNs especially if you have a later interview. You can take notes to better prepare yourself for the facults and nurse in the community interviews.
Good Luck!
23 Posts
I believe they said they had somewhere around 700 applicants and they usually admit 75. This year they may admit more- around 90.
I think the admittance rate varies between about 7 and 15%
Hopeful Nurse
83 Posts
Are there any tips/advice you can offer us future MEPN applicants?
I'm volunteering and taking my prereqs, but have only okay grades. I did okay with my gres, but will be taking it again.
I feel that I do not have enough experience to be a good applicant. I also feel that my grades (3.17) will take me out of the running at first glance.
hi there,
I definitely wouldn't say that your grades take you out of the running at all.
I have no idea what your experience is but you should have enough experience to know what you want to do and why.
Good luck.
thanks for the encouragement.
I have done some volunteer work in the past and will be doing some more in the future to prepare me for my field.
I hope to keep reading about all of your progress.
103 Posts
I talked to one of the student affairs' personnel the other day, and she said they admit 84 students (not sure if she was talking about last year or this year).
12 Posts
Hi there,
Has anyone heard how competitive the UCSF MEPN is in Advanced Practice Pediatric Nurse Practitioner? I see postings from a lot of applicants to other programs but not so much this one specifically.
29 Posts
You all seem like a very intelligent group, so here I go...I would LOVE to apply to the MEPN at UCSF, I will graduate in December with an undergraduate degree in Anthropology, I have a 3.5 GPA and have not take the GRE yet. Those are my stats-but what I'm very confused about are the pre-req classes. I've taken some, almost all, of the pre-reqs, save a science lab and a math course, if I graduate in December, though, how will I go about completing these course before I apply for the MEPN program? I'll be out of school, so will I need to these classes online somewhere? I'm a little confused by the whole process, probably because I just started looking into nursing, after four years of school for something completely different...please any advice about pre-reqs, application tips and even just basic MEPN knowledge would be so greatly appreciated by me! Thanks guys and good luck on your waiting!
Applications for the UCSF MEPN Program are submitted July-Oct 1 for the program starting the following June. The application deadline for the program beginning June 2008 has already passed. You will be able to apply July-Oct 2008 for the program beginning in June 2009. If you graduate in December 2007. You have an entire 18 months to fulfill the prerequisites. The prerequisites are not extensive (there are three) and can be done at community colleges in your area. I suggest you carefully read the MEPN website. All your questions will be answered.
You should be aware that good GPA and GRE scores alone does not guarantee entrance into the program. This website is full of very qualified applicants who have very competitive scores. The program is highly competitive.
Does anybody know if medical experience (versus any type of volunteer experience) is crucial? I am graduating in Anthropology from UC Berkeley in june and I want to apply for next year's program. By the time I take my requisites, I will only have the month of August and September left to do any type of internship/volunteer work.
Does it matter if it is volunteer or if it is paid?