UCO/OU Traditional Nursing (BSN)


Hi all!

I am preparing my applications for Fall 2016 to both UCO and OU (I will also apply to OCCC). I know each program has individual requirements that are unique to each school. I have not been able to meet with an advisor yet, so I was hoping someone who has gotten into either program could shed some light on the requirements. I do plan to meet with someone at each school, but I was hoping for some clarity before I am able to do so.


Did you take any classes at UCO before applying for the nursing program? I know there are classes that you must take there (Developmental Psychology, and I believe Intro to Nursing?). Did you take these before applying? I am wondering if it will affect my acceptance. I have taken Developmental Psychology at OCCC, and do not want to retake it unless I know I am getting in to UCO. Also, did you find you needed to be a prior UCO student? I read that they take preference for UCO students, but I plan on finishing my AS at community college.


I know they require a college class at a 3000-4000 level, did you complete this before applying? As I stated, I hope to have done all my pre-reqs at a community college. It's one of those things where if I were accepted, I could take a class during the summer before the program starts or even perhaps in the spring. I could not fit a 3000-4000 class in this fall as I have Anatomy, Chemistry, English II, and American History all this semester on top of working full time. I worry if I have not completed that pre-req before applying that it, too, will affect my chances of getting in...even if I show I plan on fulfilling that before the program start. Does anyone know if OU has online classes that I could do to fulfill this requirement? I live in Edmond and it would be hard to commute and work (I don't plan on quitting until I start the nursing program).

For both:

Did you get your CPR certification before applying? I also need to get a titer test (I do not have my shot records), so would you say it would be important to get those done prior to even applying? I've worked really hard to be able to apply, and I would just hate for me to miss something that could be avoided and have it keep me from getting accepted into a program! I am not sure if anyone will read and reply, but I appreciate anyone who does!

Hi! I have a lot of the same questions as you do about OU. I know you posted this back in July, so I wanted to see if you have gotten any answers since then? I too was wondering if I could take the 3000-4000 level class online and if it would hinder my chances of getting accepted if I haven't taken it yet.

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