Published Jan 2, 2018
2 Posts
I'm applying for UCO's nursing program on January 26th for the Fall 2018 semester. My TEAS score is an 85.3 and I calculated my GPA from the last 30 ish hours to be a 3.7 while my science GPA is a 3.5. Who else is applying and should I try to take the TEAS again (it would be my 4th try)? I'm just nervous that my overall GPA isn't the highest. Thanks!
4 Posts
i am applying the same time as well. my GPA is a 3.54 and science is like a 3.49. my TEAS is a 77.3. im re-taking it again before i turn in my application. but from what my advisor told me, if your TEAS is within the 80s, it gives you a better chance of getting in. so i think you're pretty good! plus, your GPA isn't bad at all.
noname93, CNA
I'm also applying for fall 2018. Only problem is my GPA. The last semester really lowered my GPA. I'm getting ready to turn in my application tomorrow. Anyways, good luck to both of you
1 Post
I am applying too! I talked with our nursing advisor and she said the majority of applicants have made in the upper 70's for teas. There have been a few in the 80's. I am SO nervous! I went to a different college before UCO, and made a C in AP1, apparently they count that towards your science GPA, it brought me down to a 3.0 in science. I have a 3.64 overall. I am retaking my TEAS next week, the first time I took it I made a 74. not so hot. Good luck everyone! I am curious what everyone applying made on the TEAS and their GPA. Is anyone applying anywhere else?
I made a 90 on the TEAS (don't ask me how, I'm still baffled by it). Overall GPA is 3.17, science GPA is 3.5. And I'm not applying anywhere else. If I don't get in this year, I'll apply again next semester. By then my GPA will hopefully be higher, and I'll have Microbiology, Anatomy, and Physiology (which I'll take in the summer) so that will also increase my chances.
I don't plan on applying anywhere else, so I'm hoping I get accepted for the Fall! I improved my TEAS score also and now have an 89!
I also applied to the UCO nursing in January! I have a 3.5 overall GPA, 3.5 science and 3.8 last 30 hours. I got an 82 on teas so I'm hoping it's good enough.. but I heard that they finished the applications and that it shouldn't be too much longer before we get them!
did you guys get accepted?!
did you get accepted?!