Published Feb 19, 2006
20 Posts
Hey, guys!
Just wanted to send a quick update, especially for those of you who are going to be interviewing in March. I had my interview with UAB today. It was nothing at all like I expected. And, according to what I've heard from those who interviewed in B'ham...completely different.
I arrived at 0830 and we immediately started the interviews. We finished at 1200. I literally was walking to my car at noon. I had five separate interviews: two with MDA's, three with CRNA's. My first interview was pretty much thirty minutes of the dude grilling me on clinical stuff with a little bit of "why do you want to do this?" thrown in. On a whole, three of the five had clinical questions, one with political/future of anesthesia questions.
Holy cow!! What an experience! I pretty much felt like a limp noodle when that was over. Then they were talking about reducing the number of students that they accept at the Jackson site. From ten to maybe six or eight!! So, who knows? They will be mailing the letters out this next friday.
Wish me luck!!
110 Posts
That sucks. That is nothing at all like the interview process in Birmingham. It is a little odd that the process wouldnt be the same from site to site.
I am very sorry if I led you astray...I only know what my interview was like. I had no idea it would be that much different for you.
No worries! I thought they might be a little similar, but I in no way expected them to be exactly the same.
I know that there were different interviewers here in Jackson. Williams didn't interview. All of my interviewers were on staff at UMC except for one. I had the chief of Anesthesia and another anesthesiologist. And, then I had 2 CRNA's on staff there. I'm not sure where the other guy was from...maybe UAB. I can't remember his name.
Anyway, I hope Mobile is a little easier for those guys. This was just brutal.
WooHoo! I am happy to report that I was accepted to UAB!! I got my letter yesterday...yes, certified mail is GOOD!!
4 Posts
Congrats! That is great news! I will see you there in August! :biere: :w00t: