Published Feb 28, 2010
5 Posts
I'm a student currently at the University of Ottawa doing a Translation degree (B.A.). I did a few co-op terms and doing more and more of my "future career", I started not liking the idea that there was nobody around me, I wasn't directly helping anyone, there was no state of urgency in what I was to resume, pointless.
I had previously been admitted into the BSc. with a major in biology and kept going in it for my first three semesters but because of personal reasons, my marks were really horrible (sleep-related reasons such as insomnia and excessive daytime sleeping during lectures, and other conditions). After I switched, I got quite a bit of a grip on my situation, but am still kind of dealing with it.
I want to get into nursing. I just need about 1 semester of university to qualify for second entry in the Bachelor of science in nursing but I am afraid. See, now, my GPA is about a 7.0 (out of 10 I believe) but my past courses in science (due to reasons mentionned above) had horrible marks. How much of a bearing will this have on the consideration of my application if I do apply? Will they concentrate on my GPA or only my science marks?
I also would like to hear from people who have been through this program (second entry or even the bachelor of science in nursing program) at the University of Ottawa. How many clinical placement hours did you get? How was your overall experience. What did the courses concentrate on...anything would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
I do not know the answer to your questions but the canadian nursing students association has a website with answers to questions similar to yours
4 Posts
i'm a student at ottawau right now too, and have applied for the 2nd-entry program, hopefully to start this may.. so i've met the co-ordinator a few times and figured some stuff out.
my gpa from my first degree was probably only around a 7.3 (i think?) i didn't really try very hard, didn't really like it, and just sort of did it for a sake of doing something.
i've been studying at the university of ottawa for the past year working on all my prerequisites and now have a gpa of 8.1 (based on ottawau marks)
when i met with the co-ordinator she told me if i could complete roughly a fulltime year of study (24-30 cr.) she would probably be able to just use those marks to base acceptance/rejection upon, since it was clear i was "upgrading" etc.
so, yeah! she also told me that last year entrance average was 7.9 to get in, though she felt this year it would be a bit lower as they had more spots available (somewhere like 7.6).
go talk to her! she is the nicest. her name is mrs. suzie goulet. she is probably super busy right now because it is acceptance/rejection time, but anytime i met with her she was beyond helpful and kind.
Thank you dishes, I will be checking that link out.
Thanks to bananashan as well. Your answer helped me a great deal. I think I'll try and work harder to raise my GPA for my last semester and hopefully make it higher. It's good to know that the co-ordinator you talked to was helpful. I think I will do the same. It's good to know other people are in sort of the same position as me. I hope you make it into the program. Keep us updated on your progress, I would love to hear about your experience at U of O nursing. Thanks again!