U at Buffalo


Who is going to U at Buffalo next Fall 2005?

I'm in! Can't wait for that COOOOOOOLD lake effect weather. I'd like to be able to contact as many of my future classmates as possible just to get to know you and share info on relocating to the area and registration etc. . .

Feel free to email me anyone starting at Buffalo in Aug 05.

--Sandman29 : :Snow:

Hi! I found out the beginning of this month that I got an interview for U of Buff. and was just trying to a feel as to how the interviews are run there. More clinical? personal? Any advice in particular? Thanks so much and hope to see you in the fall...

All clinical related to your specialty very basic questions. Very laid back atmosphere.

Hi! I found out the beginning of this month that I got an interview for U of Buff. and was just trying to a feel as to how the interviews are run there. More clinical? personal? Any advice in particular? Thanks so much and hope to see you in the fall...

I thought the interview was a pleasant experience (after the fact). Of course I was nervous before hand, but I thought the interviewers were VERY pleasant and respectful and at times even funny! The questions were VERY clinical-- they picked my brain about stuff, but there were some basic questions also about why I want to be a CRNA too. I think it was the best well-balanced interview of all the schools I interviewed at. I think they got a good feel of my clinical knowledge, my personality, how I handle moderate pressure (I was nervous), and my goals in life. All in a short amount of time. They asked good questions that rightfully judge clinical knowledge and decision making, but they don't beat you over the head with very detailed obscure knowledge questions, like "Please name the 3 primary metabolites of the drug Pentazofil and each of their primary and secondary actions on the parasympathetic nervous systems of invertabrates". I think the reason I chose Buffalo was because I got a sense that the instructors and the head of the department Dr. Obst were just nice people. Not that the program won't be butt-kickin' hard, but it's a lot more tolerable with nice people. You know what I mean-- you can take History 101 with a jerk and struggle or you can take it with a great professor and they can make you WANT to learn and love the subject. I think I could enjoy learning at Buffalo. Oh, and Buffalo was very considerate about notifying me within a few weeks after the interview when I was accepted. That was nice too. Good luck at your interview!!! See you in the fall.

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