Published Sep 16, 2009
14 Posts
Hi y'all :) I would like to hear suggestions as to which books you found helpful in preparing for TX Wesleyan and Baylor University's CRNA school interview...I heard a lot about being "grilled" with critical care clinical questions and I would LOVE to get ready for it :) So far I heard that PASS CCRN by Denison is a "good" book...Thanks in advance for your helpful suggestions. :wink2:
LOL 78 views and not a single reply. Thanks again though
6 Posts
Ask each program how many do they take and how many graduate. Also ask how many drop out and how many do they fail. Knew several people that went to TWU and quite a few dropped out. Others were told they were doing fine only to fail by less than one percent, then they have to retake the entire first year AND do it making a higher grade. My friend is still paying for his mistake in going to the school in the first place.
135 Posts
I had a CCRN book that I was studying, don't remember who wrote it. Also got a "basics of anesthesia" book for my own entertainment. They don't expect you to know anything about anesthesia, but I was asked in the interview what the last book I read was and I was like "You mean fiction/entertainment or the very last book I read? because the very LAST book I read was Basics of Anesthesia. I have it buy my bed and I read a little before I go to sleep". I figure they were either like "Man, is that gal dedicated!" or, "She is a total loser. Do NOT grant her admission!!!" I got in, at any rate. Maybe they felt sorry for me Make sure you know your stuff about where you work. Know why you do what you do.
You can study every question under the sun and they may ask you some of those and they may ask nothing that you know. It's good to study and know your stuff. Everybody I talked to about Baylor was like "Bring your A game!" and that is true. But don't forget it's a lot about YOU. Everybody invited for an interview is more than qualified or they wouldn't ask to meet you in person. . . so they also want to know who you are, what you are like, how you respond to stressful/uncomfortable situations, will you all get along, etc. You can pretty much be guaranteed to get questions you will not know (because they know way more than you do right now) and it's just as much about how you handle what you don't know as it is about getting the questions right.
Goosehunter brings up some good points. Keeping in mind that two students from the same program can have very different feelings about the support the program provides, I would say those are things to consider. I feel like Baylor is very supportive. I mean, you have to keep up your end of the deal, but nobody is out to get your or see you fail. Seems like faculty are all interested in helping us students become great CRNAs and be successful. Sadly, in my BSN program, instructors like that were few and far between. Best of luck! :typing:
Thanks y'all