(TTC)TCAT-Crossville Practical Nursing Program


Hi, last week I registered to take the COMPASS test for entrance into the practical nursing at Tennessee College of Applied Technology (formerly the Tennessee Technology Center.)I take the test in November, and the next programs start September 2014 so I'm trying to get an early start for the application process. I was wondering if anybody else has attended this program and what I could expect? I'm only in my senior year of high school. If I get accepted I'll have only turned 18 a month before admission, and I'm getting the impression that there aren't a lot of people my age who go for this path. Which is okay with me, but I would definitely like to know more about the program overall if anybody has any experience with the technology centers. Thank you!

Hi RustyAnn, I'm in the TCAT Hartsville PN class now. There are about 40 people and ~3-4 are 18, most of the others are 19-20, then there are a few 30 YOs and four 45+ including me. There are about 7 kids who know each other from the local high school. Everybody gets along really well as far as I can tell. We just took our first "final" and all but 2 that I know of are still in... and there is one more project grade to figure in so we'll see.

It's smart to start early to try to get in.

I HATE the "Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing" (DeWit - O'Neill) text and its poorly constructed test questions, though. If you're good at memorizing the answers they WANT you to choose, as opposed to the ones that are also just as correct but "Not In The Book", you'll do fine. I'm slowly figuring this out (as is the rest of the class).

One thing they told me is that the books are new this year and so I had to buy the $1000 bunch of books from TCAT. Guess what; the teachers all use the old books! Also the only differences (so far) are the addition of Obamacare (one paragraph) and some other random stuff. And the workbooks that refer to the texts have not been updated so if it says pg 5 the answer might be there or on page 6... no biggie but $1k is a lot of money to me so I wish someone had told me this...

Good luck, and if I can answer any more questions, ask away!


I graduated from the Morristown program in 04. Some of the programs websites give a really good description of each class, what's expected in clinical etc. Go online and search each cities website till you find one that has a good rundown of the program. It may not be "exactly" the same info as your cities program but, it'll give you a good idea. Morristown's website is very vague BTW so, I wouldn't advise checking there. As for age my class ranged from 19 to 65 :-) good luck

Thank you both for your responses! One thing I was gonna ask was how i can prepare for the COMPASS test, particularly the math section. Reading and comprehension is my strong suit but I've always struggled with math and I haven't taken the ACT. I actually have a basic college mathematics book that my mom used when she took online classes for a different program at TCAT so if I can find out what is covered on the COMPASS test I can use the book to practice and review.

Today I did quite a bit of reading. The TCAT Crossville website turns out to have a pretty thorough page about the nursing program and I was even able to download the handbook and a host of other resources. It really motivated me to keep pushing for my goals and to try my hardest if and when I do get in!

When I went we took the NET test but, I got a study guide for it at the school bookstore. I think it was pretty cheap too (in 2003). Maybe they have one for the compass test. I'm awful at math but, I really didn't think the NET test was that hard, there were only a few algebra questions on it and they weren't graded, they were just like extra credit to see if we could do it or not. Maybe the compass test will be the same?? I tested with like 50+ people and only about 10-15 of us passed. I think that just getting out of high school will put you at an advantage since everything will still be fresh in your mind. :-)

I turned in my app for TCAT in Knoxville had a hard on the math part of the compass test and was wondering what the math test were like once you get into the program. Any help on this would be great



Figured I would follow up on how my compass test went in November. It passed the reading portion with flying colors but was 3 points lower on the math portion than it needed to be. So I'm going to retake it on January 14th and I'm studying really hard to try to bring it up! And if I pass this time I can begin working on applying to the school. In addition to all of that I am fighting a chronic condition which has recently gotten worse and seeking help to get better, and have my other responsibilites since I'm still in my senior year and other obligations. So I have a lot on my plate right now! But I am so excited as I move closer to this new chapter of life and working towards my goals!

The math course when I went wasn't hard at all mostly memorizing conversions ex. Inches to centimeters, how many kilograms to pounds. know the conversions and any problems on the exam are easy.

Since I was on here last a lot has happened! I retook it in January and did infinitely better.. close to perfect on reading score and much much much higher on math this time. I applied that day and it looks like it'll all work out, so I"m really looking forward to it. I'll start in January as long as it all works out. Have a lot of things to do in November as far as my information session, interview, additional documentation, etc. So excited to get started!!

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