Trying to help my fiance



I am not a nurse, but my fiance is finishing up her last semester in Detroit and planning on moving to Chicago with me after graduation. Her problem is finding a hospital that will hire her with out being licensed in Illinois. She has had plenty of offers in Detroit to get hired on as a graduate nurse, but after a good seven months of searching in Chicago-nothing. I am trying to help her but I have no clue about job searching, or how to help her in here I am. Please help!!

Thank you!!

Specializes in physician office, ortho/neuro.

Many hospitals have nurse recruiters. Have her contact the HR departments and talk with someone about what she needs to work on being hired. I know some states don't allow grads to work until they have their license, so check into that also. Also, try posting in the the Illinois region on this website and see if there is anyone there that can give advice. I am planning on moving to Nevada and went to that states thread and received names of directors to contact. Hope this helps.

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