Published Feb 3, 2008
1 Post
Hello ALL,
I am an RN BSN with one year experience in Long Term Care. I am a charge nurse over a portion of a nursing home. I have 37 patients and 5 direct care staff I am responsible for. My DON and two ADON's give me quite a bit of autonomy to run my unit. I started off in long term care because I have a 5 yr old and was unable to pull call shifts if I worked at a hospital. My husband is retiring in July and we are relocating up north. I will be the main bread winner and really want to move my nursing career in a different direction. I have had supervisory experience in other career fields as I am 47 yrs old and a gulf war vet. Any suggestions on what I should do to gain the experience needed to get into diabetes nurse education?
V. Cares, RN,BSN