Trident Technical College and MAGNET

U.S.A. South Carolina


Okay, for all of those future/current RN students that are going to Trident Technical College. I will let you in on a little secret that Trident Tech is not telling you about... I graduated in December 2011. This program is very hard, and about 25% of the original class will graduate on time. The secret is called MAGNET! Currently MUSC, Roper Hospital, St. Francis (currently holds Magnet status), VA hospital are all currently preparing for this. The problem for an ADN is in order for these hospitals to get this status 80% of your nurses have to be a BSN. It took me 6 months to find a job, I have years of hospital experience, and it is not at a hospital. Yes, there are some (very few) ADN new grads that got a job in some of these facilities, but it was because they worked there as a CNA or knew someone. There are MANY cases of ADN grads working as a CNAs in these facilities when they are an RN, waiting on a job to open up (6 months - 1 year), got passed over, and they never got hired! Please be advised go BSN if you live in the Charleston area and are planning to stay, do not waste your time. Too many ADN nurses are not getting jobs and are being passed over for BSN.

Yes, I have heard through the grapevine that many of the hospitals were putting the BSN requirement in the contracts.

This post was not to scared people, but to warn people so they can make an informed decision. Since this post was posted I have been employed at a hospital for well over a year, but I have always been employed as a RN about six months after I graduated. I Hope TTC has/will change for their students. I'm glad that you are having such wonderful success in school, I hope thing go as planned for you. As far as an ADN to BSN, in the end with my student loans from TTC plus going back to get my BSN it will cost just as much as if I had gone to a four year program.

Thank you Surg-Onc RN for letting new graduates know this information.:up:

Thank you Surg-Onc RN for letting new graduates know this information.:up:

Goldilockz tells the truth. Even the Dean admitted that each year they are seeing a lower percentage of graduates hired. This was printed in the local paper in April 2013. The really sad part here is some of you are stating that Goldilockz is not telling the truth because you know someone or a few grads who found employment. That is the same as disputing the majority of people are right-handed because you know a few left-handed people. Also, Goldilockz is not trying to scare people. If Goldilockz wanted to do that, then she would have presented the real facts about the school like of the 8 in my first clinical group only 2 of us graduated on-time. Most students will tell you it is self-learning and without help, and for MOST students that is the reality. There are a couple of instructors who will take the time to help, but most will pawn students off on someone else. If 75% of the class answers a question incorrectly, then they tend to still count it. It can't be a badly written question. It certainly cannot be poor instruction. If you can go to Charleston Southern or MUSC, then run from TTC like a 5-year old from a pile of broccoli.

This is just saying students away. I graduated in December, and it was HARD. And took me three years. But hey, I take my Nclex in a month and feel prepared. It hasn't taken anyone more than a few months to get a job that I know, with or without medical experience. I'm in no hurry, but I can't wait to start an RN job.

Hi all,

My husband is stationed in Goose Creek. Can anyone tell me any community colleges or ABSN programs in the area? Thank you! It seems like trident is pretty popular for adn.

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