Travel Nursing while married ..... Good or bad????



I am very curious about travel nursing. I am married and was wondering if anyone can share anything about traveling ... good or bad. Was the accomodations adequate, was the pay worth it, how did spouse (or significant other deal with it), did spouse (or SO) go with you, etc, etc.

Does anyone know of a reputible agency? I still have 3 more semesters to go beofe graduation, but I want to be prepared and informed. THANKS!!!!!!


I am very curious about travel nursing. I am married and was wondering if anyone can share anything about traveling ... good or bad. Was the accomodations adequate, was the pay worth it, how did spouse (or significant other deal with it), did spouse (or SO) go with you, etc, etc.

Does anyone know of a reputible agency? I still have 3 more semesters to go beofe graduation, but I want to be prepared and informed. THANKS!!!!!!

People do travel nursing with spouses frequently. Someitmes Spouses go along, sometimes they stay home, it all depends on what you want and need and your spouse's wants and needs. For some people it works out well, for others clearly it would be difficult.

However, apparently you are still in school for 3 semesters. After that you will need at least one year of experience before you can start to even apply for positions in the travel arena. I'd recommend more than one, especially if you are wanting to do anything other than Med Surg. If you peruse this area you'll find lots of people want to start traveling right away, and of course, the reason hospitals pay more money to travel nurses is that they can step into a unit and go to work with minimal (like 4 hours most itmes for me) orientation.

As far as I am concerned, I travel because the pay in my home state is very very low. travelpay has not been spectacular for me, but it has been adequate. Accomodations have been hit or miss as well, but mostly they have been fine, nothing exciting, but fine.

First things first, graduate :yeah: and get some experience under your belt, and then see if traveling still appeals to you then!

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