transplant nursing


I'm a nurse at a louisville hospital. I work with transplant patients- and have done so for 10 some years. I'd like to know if anyone else likes or has this specialty type experience. It is a challenging profession. I'd like to talk shop with anyone interested

Hi. I too work with transplant patients. I work mostly with pre-transplant patients, but soon we will open a satellite clinic in northern California to see post-transplant patients. I am very excited to learn more about how patients do post. I have been innephrology for 20 years, 18 as a head nurse in a dialysis clinic. Have you ever read of facilities or does your facility do any followup on donors post transplant?

I, too, am interested in the post-transplant area, having worked in dialysis for the last 4 years. In the clinic setting, I've gotten to know , and get close to, patients who undergo treatment 3 times per week and wish to know more about the time after transplantation. Patients always visit our unit after receiving a new kidney and, for the most part, are thrilled with not having to come in for tx. any more. But I'm sure that there are many things to adapt to and many feelings to work through. Willie, where is your new clinic going to be?

I work for a transplant group in san Francisco, but our outreach clinic will be in the Roseville area near Sacramento. i should help those patients in northern California who are transplanted with us to get f/u without going all the way to SF. It will open Nov. 1st. I too had a lot of patients come back to the dialiysis clinic after they were transplanted and they always looked better and had a big smile on their face.

I have been working in liver and kidney transplant for the past year and a half and yes it is a very challenging job. I feel that at times we are like a step down ICU. But I love that about transplant never a dull moment.:smiley_ab

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