Published Jan 14, 2014
Wrestler133, BSN, MSN, RN
81 Posts
Hey guys, I recently discovered that I cannot qualify for any type of federal aid or private aid to go towards my schooling. I recently moved from Northern California to San Diego County to attend an ADN nursing program I got into. I have enough money saved up to last me exactly the first semester and I am having a real hard time finding a part time job that will cover my expenses.
I was wondering how difficult it is to transfer to another nursing program? I was thinking if it was possible to attempt to transfer to an ADN program near Modesto where I am originally from in the Fall semester but haven't really heard too much about this, anyway if anyone could give me some input I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.
211 Posts
Hi. Does your school offer loans? If not maybe you can talk to someone in you . Student nurse assoc to find out what other students are doing. Maybe you can get a job on campus or go to the library and look up student nurse scholarships. I would also talk to your nurse advisor sometimes they know of programs. Switching schools can be difficult. Your courses may not be equivalent and you will have to purchase new books uniforms sand other supplies. Ultimately it is up to you. Good luck.