TOUGH DECISION - University of Cincinnati vs Frontier FNP Program

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Specializes in Labor and delivery.

Super excited about being accepted into both FNP programs that I applied for but having a really hard time deciding between the two: 

 1. University of Cincinnati 

2. Frontier Nursing University 

From my understanding both are relatively the same price and you are responsible for finding your own preceptors for both programs. One major difference that I've noticed is the length of the programs. UC can be completed in 7 semesters (part time) where as Frontier's part time curriculum consists of 10 semesters. 

I know a lot of midwives that have attended frontier and they only have positive things to say about the program however they aren't able to provide me with much information about both programs. 

I'm hoping that I can get a little more information from you all to help with my decision. 

thank you all in advance ❤️

Specializes in OB, L&D, Lactation.


Hello! I am in the same boat as you! I am lost on which school to attend. I did fro tier bound and was not impressed. I am transferring and UC will take my 4 courses for my MSN but Frontier won’t. I am not interested in the “fluff” of community and bonding, I just want a good education. I can not figure out way people LOVE frontier! But because everyone loves Frontier I am afraid to turn them down. WhT are your thoughts?

Specializes in Labor and delivery.

Hi, I feel the same way. I just want a good education (such a hard decision to make).  Every one speaks so highly of frontier and because they have  a lower acceptance rate and I actually got in not sure if I should take advantage of the opportunity.  With that being said, I'm unsure if Frontier will actually provide a BETTER education or if its a more rigorous program. Are you transferring from another school? When did you attend frontier bound and what are your feelings about it ? What pros and cons of both schools have you noticed?

Specializes in OB, L&D, Lactation.

Everyone does speak so highly of Frontier! I can not tell which university will be the best. I know being a good midwife or FNP is more than where you go but your bedside manner, dedication, and more. I am transferring from UMASS. Frontier would not accept any courses because they were 2 years and 2 months and they only accept up to 2 years which hurt. 

Frontier Bound was anticlimactic. I am not all about the “fluff” like I said. I don’t want to buy in I just want an education! Frontier had us doing team building and all that. I think I will be going to University of Cincinnati... if someone said Frontier is the best and will be worth it I would but everyone just says it’s great. Plus Frontier seems to have extreme expectations with Clinicals. I still have to work while I do Clinicals.

What are you thinking? Where are you leaning to?

Specializes in Labor and delivery.

Honestly everyday I find myself leaning towards one or the other. If I deny frontier I feel as though I may miss out on something (whatever that something may be). And you're right, I've only heard great things about frontier. I assume for midwifery, it would be best but across the board I'm unsure.

OK, I’m so glad I found this thread! I’m LITERALLY in the same predicament! What did you ladies end up choosing!?

Specializes in OB, L&D, Lactation.

I am in a slightly different situation. I am pursuing my MSN in Midwifery and had precious graduate courses that I was hoping to transfer in. Frontier Nursing appear to be a wonderful university and if you are looking for community and a sense of togetherness it appears wonderful (I did there orientation 3 day Frontier bound).

I choose University of Cincinnati because unlike Frontier they accept ALL my transfer work saving me time and a good deal of money. I also am more focused on learning the content and a sense of community and connecting with fellow students, although important, is not a major decision for me. Having worked in my field, I have local support from the midwives.


It is a hard decision, but the best advice I received was, make a decision, move forward, and never look back! Whichever you choose you will be getting a great education and it will be hard work! Hope this helps and congratulations!

Thanks so much for your response! My husband said the same thing last night! Just make a decision and stick with it! LOL. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me! I don’t want to miss out on some thing by not going to frontier. I don’t really care about the community part of it as well… I can see how it would be beneficial but it’s just really not my personality. I feel like the university of Cincinnati  is more of my personality but I’m wondering if having frontier behind my name would open my doors. How are you liking the midwifery program to far?

Specializes in Labor and delivery.

 I totally understand your frustration, I went back and forth everyday about my decision. I was beyond stressed. But honestly, If I were going for midwifery I’m pretty sure I would have chosen frontier but because I’m doing the FNP track I decided to choose University of Cincinnati.

Yea that makes sense! I thought you were going for midwifery! But FNP, I probably would do the same! WHNP is kind of that middle ground! It could be great at frontier being that I think it’s handled by same department as midwifery. How do you like your program? Pros vs. cons? Thanks so much for sharing! 

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