Tips and tricks for surving nursing school: studying, jobs, and nclex prep


Hi All! I promised myself that as I wrapped up nursing school I would come back and post my pointers. First off, congratulations for getting into your program! The first challenge is over with, but there are many more that you will face.

Basic pointers!

  • Understand that you will make sacrifices.
    • Yes, say goodbye to late nights partying and seeing your friends often. Most of your time should be devoted to your studies. We lost many people in our class because they were not willing to make those sacrifices.

    [*]Know what works for your studying

    • some students need to read the book, some do not. Some make flashcards, others watch videos. It is highly important for you to know how YOU best study.

    [*]Study key points, not ALL the material

    • I wish I would have learned this earlier in the program. I would try to study every single piece of material and it drove me INSANE! During my second year I realized it's more important to know the pathophysiology and why things are happening. once you get that, it should be easy to understand s/s and interventions!

    [*]Take a break and do something for yourself

    • yes you need to study, but a person studying 24/7 actually does not retain material effectively. you need to give yourself a rest from time to time.

    [*]Do not get caught up in nursing school drama

    • This is college, not high school. Focus on yourself and what you need to do to succeed. Do not let other students talk you into straying from what you know is best. Many of my peers wanted me to go out and party with them, knowing there is an exam in 2 days, or that we have clinical the next day. Say no and move on.

    [*]Seek help and admit it when you don't understand

    • Some students grasp the material better than others. I was great at assessment and critical care. I struggled with my med surg courses. Seek assistance from your professors and get a tutor. It is ok! It happens, you are not any less smart. In fact, you are doing what you need to do!


  • Take a deep breath!
    • Clinicals are scary. We are actually putting our knowledge to the test and learning hands-on skills. Do not feel dumb if you do not know. It takes practice to be a nurse! Even in my last semester, I am not perfect. I ask my preceptor questions and understand that I will make mistakes.

    [*]Be professional

    • Do show up a mess, reeking of alcohol/smoke, and late! This hospital could be your potential employer. They remember terrible nursing students and it gets around! Always act like this will be the unit you will be working on. It goes a long way!

Student nursing jobs

  • Sometimes, you have to take the first health job you can
    • I started out as a home health aide because hospitals would not hire me due to my inexperience. Hospital student nurse jobs are competitive. If you can't land one with no experience, look for something else. Work your way up. Do not compare yourself to other students. Many students in my class got student jobs their first year in the program. I worked in home health during the first 2 years, had an internship with the VA, then went on to land 2 student nurse jobs during my last year. the point is, it will happen. Give yourself time.


  • Select a spot that will enhance your skills
    • It is so easy to choose the capstone options that will have little work and make your last semester a breeze. But the fact is you are about to become a nurse. You NEED the experience of basic med/surg skills. Choose one that will help you in the long run, not because it will be easy.


  • For the love of everything, don't wait until the last minute to study.
    • I spent this semester studying for the exam. Many students in my class have not yet, and it is showing! My school has Kaplan integrated. I started studying in Jan so I could study at my own pace and not feel rushed. We all just took our predictor exams and I got a 68% ( 95% chance of passing), while the rest of my classmates scored in the 50s. This is a hectic yet exciting time because school is almost over! But do not lose focus. You have the biggest exam of your life coming up. Study.

    [*]Nclex materials that are working for me:

    • Lacharity Prioritzation book, Uworld!!!, Kaplan, Saunder's content review. I am slowly making my way through these resources. My scores have improved so much! Use multiple resources, focus on your weaknesses, refresh old content, and most importantly stay positive!

I hope this helps other students! Please share any other tips that you have! We need to support one another as best we can because nursing school is so hard! Good luck and remember, you can do it! :)

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