Thursday June 20th 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Stars I think you should be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid together, though it may take some sort of broker to figure out the eligibility

Ado glad the the cat's problem proved a minor one

NJ22 that sounds like an interesting trip your grandson is going on

Had feared yesterday might be difficult at work, covering for a coworker as well as that one who left.  But it wasn't bad at all. Today looks OK too, barring any new work received

Didn't do much after work, except a quick run to the store.  Symptoms and fever appear to be gone, thankfully

Nothing really planned for today.  Keeping an eye on the weather, that 2nd date that has been delayed a month is supposed to happen this Sat, but the outdoor concert we had planned on might get rained out

Going to be a little cooler today, only in the upper 80s

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

It's hot (90's) and will be for the next 3-4 days. 

My "day off" was spent at the bank and at the grocery store. BUT! I did not have to change Nannie's sheets. 

Nobody has my car title, so I will have to go stand in line at DMV to get them to help me fill out the application for a replacement. Found out the car was purchased with a personal loan signed by hubby when we bought it. The dealership did not finance the car so they didn't give us a title; so since the bank didn't finance a car loan, they don't have the title either. It wasn't in all of hubby's stuff; the application for another title has lines where to list 1st lien holder, 2nd lien holder, but we have no idea who the first owner was, and I guess we were/are the 2nd lien holder.....EXCEPT when hubby's credit card was cancelled due to him not having any estate, apparently the personal loan was also cancelled. But I am title-less, so I have to go spend time standing in line at DMV and holding up the line behind me while one of the three clerks have to help me. Not sure which day I will get to go do that. Tomorrow I will call the new credit card company and set the account up on line (UGH)....I screwed it up, naturally, the first time I attempted to do it, so have to have someone walk me through it. (UGH).

Can't think of anything else to write, though I'm sure there is something I left out. But my brain is still scrambled from the financial thinking and planning, so I'm quitting this post now.  I'll be back if something worth talking about happens tonight, but otherwise, will be back tomorrow.


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